This international school will constitute the 7th edition of the Son et Lumière school series devoted to nanophononics, a multidisciplinary research field aiming at studying vibrations (phonons) in systems with a nanometric size or structuration, as well as their interaction with light and other waves. The two main goals of the school are to favor interactions between the different communities involved in nanophononics (optics, acoustics, thermal transfer, optomechanics, …) and to provide a detailed overview of this field for young researchers.
This edition was made possible by the help of various public and private sponsors listed in the "Sponsors" page and is organized by Aurélien Crut (Lyon 1 university), Pascal Ruello (Le Mans university), Yannick Guillet (Bordeaux university) and Matias Bargheer (Potsdam university). It will take place on the magnificient site of the physics school of Les Houches, located above the Chamonix valley.
Lectures will address six main themes:
1) Introduction to nanophononics, picosecond acoustics
2) Vibrational properties of nano-objects and nanostructures
3) Applications of phonons for industry,bioimaging and sensing
4) Emerging spectroscopies involving non-visible waves (X-rays, THz)
5) Nanoscale thermal transport
6) Optomechanics
Confirmed speakers currently include:
- Humphrey Maris (Brown university)
. Basics of phonon physics
. Attenuation of sound waves
. Phonons and particle physics
- Bernard Perrin (INSP Paris)
. Experimental approaches in nanophonics
. Quality factors of hypersonic acoustic cavities
- Vitalyi Gusev (Le Mans university)
Theoretical description of the generation and detection of the coherent acoustic phonons by lasers
- Alexey Scherbakov (TU Dortmund)
Photons, phonons, magnons and their interactions in magnetic nanostructures
- Natalia Del Fatti (iLM Lyon)
Acoustics and thermal response of metallic nano-objects investigated by ultrafast spectroscopy
- Jérémie Margueritat (iLM Lyon)
Inelastic light scattering by the acoustic vibrations of nanoparticles
- Jean-Charles Beugnot (Femto-ST Besançon)
Stimulated Brillouin scattering in optical fibers: from fundamentals to applications
- Matias Bargheer (Potsdam university)
Ultrafast x-ray diffraction experiments
- Pascal Ruello (IMMM Le Mans)
Ultrafast light-induced coherent phonons in correlated materials
- Bertrand Audoin (I2M Bordeaux)
Picosecond ultrasonics to probe and image cell mechanics
- V. Ara Apkarian (Irvine university)
Spectromicroscopy in the atomistic near-field: Seeing sound
- Koichiro Tanaka (Kyoto university)
Terahertz optical science and technology
- Mariano Trigo (Stanford)
Time domain phonon spectroscopy at free electron lasers
- Steven Johnson (ETH Zürich)
Driving and seeing coherent phonon dynamics with light: from THz to x-rays
- Eric Collet (IPR Rennes)
Combining optical, THz and X-ray studies for understanding out-of-equilibrium transformation of materials
- David Cahill (Illinois university)
Nanoscale heat transport
- Valentina Giordano (iLM Lyon)
Inelastic x-ray and neutron scattering for investigating phonon dynamics and thermal transport
- Pierre-François Cohadon (LKB Paris)
Fundamentals of optomechanics
- Ivan Favero (MPQ Paris)
For any question about the conference, please send an email to